Rating the Stars (from Saskatoon) - Part II
DISCLAIMER: (The views offered in this blog are not necessarily [and likely are not even necessary] of the views of members of the Niger team. There you have it.)
For all you avid readers waiting with bated breath (whatever that expression means), here is the second installment in the Rating of the Saskatoon Stars. Our second recipient is none other than David Ong.
Why David Ong, you ask? Very good question. (For an answer, we refer you to Dave's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ong.)
Actually, Dave is an incredible team member. Apart from becoming disassociated from the group in a chilly market in Paris, and causing the rest of the team to shudder for several minutes in the frigid Paris weather, Dave is a valued member of the Niger team.
Although you might accuse this writer of being totally biased in this choice, due to being Dave's beloved roommate, Dave's talents are obvious. He is gifted in music, singing, drama, eating, playing silly games with missionary children, nearly inciting a soccer riot among the street kids in Madaoua, and playing his roommate's MP3 cell phone.
Seriously, Dave's love of Christ is evident in his attitude and his willingness to be involved in every aspect of our team's ministry. He directs the various drama groups and also acts in the performances. He provides music and diligently practises his ukelele at night. Dave occupies young children outside the main group, when a teacher needs to have the full attention of the rest of the children (see picture of said child in a previous blog, Rolling around in the Nigerien sand).
Dave has been seen dancing with Nigerien children as they sing and chant their favourite songs in the Hausa language. He relates well to people of all ages, and keeps his roommate amused.
Dave states that he can hardly wait until his next visit to Niger. I know that he will go far, and be a great success in whatever he does. He is mature beyond his eighteen years.
Please stayed tuned for our third installment, coming soon. Also please note that Dave has not subscribed to the opinions expressed here.
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