Thursday, February 22, 2007

Dessert Night!

Aren't you glad I am not making any dumb jokes about our team flying over the Sahara dessert?

Really though, our Niger team is putting on a dessert night on Saturday March 3, 2007 at 7:30 PM at Emmanuel Baptist Church at 1636 Acadia Drive in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Please come and enjoy some delicious squares, yummy cookies and delectable cheesecakes. You will also be blessed to hear some short accounts from various team members about the missions trip, our time with the Schmidt family, the ministries in which we participated in Madaoua and Niamey and all the fascinating experiences we shared in camel riding, sand dune jumping, giraffe watching and shopping in the busy Nigerien marketplace.

You will get to see assorted African swords, play on camel leather drums and watch lovely team members model their Nigerien outfits. There will also be a short video presentation arranged by Brooklyn Simes. We want to share with you our experiences in Niger and how God is at work there. We know you will be challenged and blessed also. See you there!


Blogger NIGER1.COM said...

and Niger cultures on

9:09 AM  

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