Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Dining at the rec centre in the American Embassy

Following our morning session of teaching MKs about forgiveness and arranging crafts with construction paper and stickers from Wal-Mart, our team squeezed into a rental van and dined out. We traveled the road between various government buildings and embassies, and entered the American one, through a closely guarded gate. We were served a delicious buffet of fajitas, rice and salad. One of our team managed to get into an exciting race with the local tortoise.

It was interesting to observe AFM, the local telecast of Armed Forces Network, who picked up the American Network feed of the college football national championship game, and merely added their own commercials. The game that was broadcast today occurred the previous night at 2:00 AM.

My heart went out to the missionaries, ex-pats and military personnel who are far from home. It is not easy keeping abreast of happenings in your home country when you do not have access to the media, and even when you do, the time difference is not conducive to viewing.

Please pray our people on the other side of the globe. It is lonely for them, and frustrating that they feel so isolated from events back home. Please appreciate the sacrifice they make every day and write to them if you can.


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