Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Niger musings

As I begin my second week back in Saskatoon, I marvel at the way we can travel to and experience a small part of Africa and then return within 31 hours and be forever changed. Every day I am processing, thinking, praying.

Church on Sunday was such a joy for me. I felt more alive to Him in worship that I have in a long time. Perhaps it was the fact that we were meeting with believers and singing a language I understood or maybe it was my gratitude for the Lord's goodness and faithfulness to me and us as a team for "going ahead and preparing the way", for His presence with us and for His love we received from Mike, LaRae, Ariana and Mitchell.
The trip was wonderful for me as I was able to travel with my daughter, Heather who said, "I feel like I've been plunked into the middle of a National Geographic Magazine". Also, my time was enhanced by the fact that my fluent French helped me communicate with most Nigeriens even though French is not their first language.

I enjoyed working with Laurie and my grades 1 to 3 group at the mission conference. We had 13 lovely, energetic, inquisitive children whose home countries include, Niger, Nigeria, New Zealand, the USA and Switzerland. When we asked them for prayer requests their answers were for health (no malaria please) and to be able to get along with their families and not fight in the hot season. LaRae said that her house reaches a balmy 39 degrees celcius in the hot season and that's when the outside temperatures are 45 degrees!
More to come...

- Barb


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