Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Rating the Saskatoon Stars - Epilogue

(When I was a young boy, I always wondered what an epilogue was whenever I watched Kojak, Streets of San Francisco, The Fugitive, or whatever.) Your reply: "Who cares?" ... Well, now we present you with "Epiblog!"

To sum up our rating blogs, we have no idea who is the greatest, except for the one who makes themself least in the kingdom of God. My observation of having spent a couple of weeks in close contact with this team, is that no one on the team desires to be considered the best. Maybe we are all the best. Or maybe none of us are.

I hope that in reading recent entries that you recognized my feeble attempt at tongue in cheekedness. I merely hope that faithful readers of the blog and faithful supporters of the team would be able to learn a bit of what our team was experiencing in our united effort to serve God here in Niger.

I think the real heroes of our Emmanuel Baptist Niger team are Ariana Schmidt, Mitchell Schmidt, LaRae Schmidt and Mike Schmidt. Besides doing a wonderful job of hosting a twelve member team at their house and guest house, and feeding them all daily, they have encouraged us all. The Schmidts are incredible people, experiencing hardship and deprivation every day, and never complaining about it.

The faithfulness of this family in being a strong witness in their community is amazing. It is a tough community with whom to share God's love, but Mike and LaRae and their children are up to the task. If they were not in Madaoua, there would be no one to make an impact for Christ with the Hausa and Toureg peoples.

It has been a privilege and an eye opener for our team to see a little of the Schmidts' life in Niger. Please pray regularly for them and keep giving resources for their ministry in Madaoua.


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