Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sai an jima

In Hausa that means 'Good bye until we meet again'.

We spent our last evening in Niger on a patio overlooking the Niger River sharing a meal with our friends. Hanging just below the constant hum of laughter and easy conversation was a feeling of camaraderie, of brother and sisterhood... a longing to preserve the moment, and sorrow that comes at the completion of an adventure shared. Later that evening as we embraced in farewell and tears came, we sensed unspoken promises... promises to remember and to share what we have been so blessed to witness here.

Now begins the process of sifting and absorbing, which will look different for each one of us. It is a continuation of this journey. My prayer is that I will not forget the face of God in Niger. I have
seen Him in the suffering of people constantly at war with a harsh environment and in bondage to spiritual blindness. I have seen Him in the tired, discouraged faces of missionaries who give up everything and work tirelessly while facing loneliness and disappointment. I have seen Him in joy due to blessings... a water pump is placed in a remote village, a girls' soccer team is encouraged, a literacy club is born, a genuine friendship evolves and opens a window to share Jesus' love.

That is my hope and prayer.

- Laurie


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